A Unique Moment in Poland by Tatum Perez

Going to the town today was beautiful. Starting off with the bus ride to it. The whole route was just view after view. It goes to show that there’s so much beauty in Poland that doesn’t go unnoticed even with the history that comes with it.

During the meeting, we got to see how people from his town treat him so highly as if he could be the mayor. It was such an endearing sight. The other night, I remember Kate Lukaszewicz saying that Howard is our north star. When you look at it like that, you see how he guides us and inspires us to share his story as well as everyone else’s because he knows how important we are to the future.

Seeing Howard, Hedy, and Yael on stage today is a unique experience that only we got to see and should be something to cherish. 3 generations on one stage who share a story that cannot be forgotten.

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