Throughout the course of this trip, I have seen a quote numerous times at many of the WWII memorials and museums we have visited. George Santayana writes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” When thinking about my role as an educator of the Holocaust it is my duty and responsibility to know the facts and especially to understand the reality and magnitude of what happened. As an educator, I carry a profound responsibility to be the voice throughout the world for Howard Chandler and the other victims of the Holocaust who are no longer able to speak.

Howard was asked, “Why do you do this? Why do you continue to make such a difficult trip each to and relive the horrors of what you experienced?” Howard responded, “I must speak up for those who cannot.” This was Howard’s “why.” So, as an educator, I will keep asking “why” and strive to be a living example to others about the power of love, kindness, and compassion.
My challenge to all of you is to seek and find your “why” so that each day you will make a difference in the lives of those around you and be a light to the world. Imagine a world full of love, what a wonderful world it would be.