This interactive multimedia site provides its users with quick facts, visual representations, and reliable information on pressing transatlantic challenges. The site will spotlight trending transatlantic topics and find potential alignment between the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union as well as its 27 member states.
There is no closer geopolitical relationship than the transatlantic alliance. Yet, it is often to know how individual actors are engaging on important issues impacting the larger community. With that challenge in mind, the Bertelsmann Foundation has developed the Transatlantic Barometer, an interactive digital platform that provides up-to-date information on pressing issues shaping the transatlantic relationship.
The Transatlantic Barometer’s main fixture is a website that provides users with a synopsis of the policy positions and engagement of 30 key transatlantic actors: the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union as well as its 27 member states. The Barometer provides users with two ways of accessing information. First, users can click on featured topics, generating a carousel of all transatlantic stakeholder positions. Alternatively, users can click on individual actors, revealing a carousel connecting the stakeholder to all featured topics. The Barometer also offers explanatory animations, written analyses, and infographics to highlight the factors driving country-specific policy.