Up End Hate


UP End Hate launched in September 2024! 
UP End Hate is a joint effort from the Eradicate Hate Global SummitCommunity MattersThe Reilly Group, and Moonshot.
The goal is to equip young people ages 12-22 with the resources and skills to prevent the spread of hate online and offline and to keep their communities safe from hate-based violence. If you’re receiving this email, you are part of the important community engaging young people in prevention work — thank you!!
Over the past 3.5 months, over 1,200 people have visited the UP End Hate site and approximately 400 students in 10 middle and high schools across the country have been trained as Safe School Ambassadors. TODAY, we are pleased to announce the launch of our UP End Hate Student Toolkits.
These toolkits equip young people to run their own peer-to-peer campaigns to raise awareness about how their fellow students can foster resilient school communities. With pre-made posters, social media posts, daily announcement scripts, and suggested school-wide activities, the toolkit delivers a ready-made digital “campaign-in-a-box” for students to use immediately.
The toolkit’s campaign messaging focuses on three actionable categories to be an effective upstander and to create safer school communities — being kind, being curious, and being courageous.  For example:
  • Be kind: “hello” to the first 10 people you see today.   
  • Be curious: Learn the warning signs that a classmate might need extra support.   
  • Be courageous: Speak up when you notice hateful words or actions, in person or online.  
While the individual actions themselves are simple, their collective potential impact on school and campus climate is enormous.
What’s more, the toolkits provide practical tips for how to be an upstander as well as interactive activities to engage the broader school or campus community. The toolkits also provide an introductory overview of preventing hate-based violence. For students wanting to dive deeper into the topic, the toolkits link back to the myriad of resources housed on the UP End Hate website, including a free “Hate 101” mini-course to become a certified UP End Hate Upstander.
In addition, we invite students and adults working with youth to join us for our upcoming free, four-part virtual UP End Hate youth webinar series that will take place in late February and early March. Register here!


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