Shabbat by Michael Toland

Today was our Shabbat – our Day of Rest. Each member of the team approached today differently. Everyone has unique ways to relax, and everyone had a chance to relax. Some of us woke up early to get an early start on their day, some as early as 6:30. Others decided to sleep in late, waking up as late as 11 o’clock. Whatever the case may be, we all began our day with a feeling of excitement and anticipation, as this was our first day in which there were no mandatory events to attend.

I personally woke up in the center of the range, at 8:30. I went down dressed in my nicest clothes (that I brought on the trip), and had a nice traditional German Breakfast, Brot und Butter mit Truthahn Aufschnitt. After eating, I met up with Caroline, and we went to the New Synagogue in Berlin. The Synagogue is conservative and was only a 7-minute walk away. Despite the security, it was quick to get in.  We even had a chance to meet with the Rabbi before the service started. She was very kind. After realizing we were America, she made sure to provide a Sim Shalom siddur and an Etz Hayem Torah with English translation.

Meanwhile, Amy and Maddie arrived to attend the service with us. The service was amazing and meaningful. It started at 10 with a traditional morning service, including using the Ashrei and the Barchu, as well as the Sh’ma. There was a feeling of community that encompassed the whole sanctuary. I was lucky enough to be given the 3rd Aliya while Maddie was given the 4th Aliyah.

Maddie (Left), Amy (Center), and Michael (Right) outside the New Synagogue of Berlin

After the service, we were unfortunately unable to attend the Kiddush because we had to hurry back to the hotel in order to visit to Potsdam. Potsdam was is the location of the vacation homes Friedrich II and his family of Prussian Kings built. palaces were beautiful. The Palaces were set up in as a hunting ground for the Prussian Royalty. All in all, the colorful and artistic masterpieces of the palaces was well worth the train ride to and from Potsdam. Although my feet ached by the end of the day, I felt rested.

While the body was tired and worn out, my soul had found rest, relaxation, and comfort through the course of the day

 A Group of Us who Visited Potsdam during our Day of Rest accompanied by our guides, featured in front, Oskar and Hanna


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