Monuments: By Ross Meyer

I sit here pondering

My mind a wandering
Trying to determine
What I feel

So much to see
And yet something remains unsaid
Tied to the question
How to remember and honor the dead

An effort is made
To that be sure
But I worry this alone is not the cure

That some might be complacent
With all that has been done
Yet still know so little
Of the sacrifices and liberties hard won

That because all is discussed in big numbers and logic
One can miss the personal stories of the topic

The stories never finished
The lives never lived
The human lose that is so grime

To tell the stories of those past
Is how we make their legacies last
We continue the lives that were so horribly taken
So that every single person has a stake in

I do not think these monuments fall short
But at the same time I will make this retort
To build stones to stand for 100s of years
But not make the connect to all the tears
Is a detriment that needs addressing
For may all their memories be a blessing

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