Marching Down Freedom’s Road Day 1 by Michele Russo   

As we leave Pennsylvania and head south, Michael Narag0n (one of our scholars) forwards a playlist for us to listen to. Music is powerful; one of my favorites start. Sam Cooke used his beautiful voice to  sing about a ‘change that is gonna come’ to inspire and encourage. While the music plays, I think about other people (teachers) who were getting on busses in the summer of the early 1960s and heading south to do dangerous but important work fighting for voting and human rights. I start to read more about these Freedom Fighters and the work they did to establish rights for others.  

We arrive in Greensboro and pulled up to the International Civil Rights Center & Museum where right away I see the bright red Woolworth sign. This museum not only was an old Woolworths and the iconic sit-in that we have all seen pictures of, but it had the best guide (Darren) who participated in sit-ins here in Greensboro. He was so knowledgeable and added his great personality (with his musical flair). The museum has floors of background on the Civil Rights Movement and evidence of discrimination of black people throughout history. 

We then went on what is called a “Coffee Cup Collaborative Walk” around Greensboro. These cups are artistic sculptures as commemoration of the people who were refused service when they asked for a cup of coffee just because of the color of their skin.We ended the day enjoying some time together as a group with our first group meal.    It was a long first day, but I look forward to heading to Atlanta tomorrow and continuing the journey Michele Russo   

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